and The Watcher Of The Pathway Thereunto

Mostly don't bother this strange ol' bird

when he lurks around their hunting ground...

The garden's slowed fruiting in the heat of high Summer--

--over 104 on the thermometer yesterday early in the afternoon-- focusing on slow, strong, vegetative growth. Come fall though, I'll be glad the new seedlings went in when they did-- the way weather is so mild her, I'll be eating okra

and squash into mid-November or better...
No, your eyes do not deceive you, nor is there any trick of light here-- these two distinct melon colors are from the same vine:

When you plant a seed from a hybrid-grown plant, this is your result-- the very next generation's seed begin reverting to characteristics of either parent seed... interesting scientifically, and provides a variety of tastes-- granted an unpredictable variety, but variety none the less!--off of one vine!
This has been a rambling post, and my bent is that gardening is part of the Natural Magick of Mother Nature, so I don't see it as out-of-place to leave you with some images of that beautiful Bounty in progress...

Slainte, Folks!
I do enjoy watching you grow, Sir.
Shade and Sweetwater,
Beautiful photos. Keep those plants watered. eh? (My spouse has been complaining about all the watering he's had to do in my absence. At least it is NOT 104 degrees in the greater Seattle area. LORDY you are hot in that kind of weather! :D
Hey Cyg~
Your watchers of the garden, CB & Smokey are sure a handsome pair of kitties.
That watermelon is coming along nicely as is the whole garden.
Lookin' good my friend ;D
wow, that kitty is REGAL! and did you know you have a monster hiding in your garden, hee heee heeeeee
Sun Tiger!
Water bill goes up, food bill declines... seems a fair trade for more taste! lol!
I try and water Two hours before or after sunrise or sunset, respectively.
Minimal evaporation, maximal absorption-- use the Water resource wisely and all...
Um... lemme think about that "hot" comment... still not quite August yet, so may get a little hotter...
I think a little hotter might not be a bad thing, eh ye of the Feline Persuasion???
Felinae persuasion, Indeed!
Hello, my favorite pointy-eared one...
Glad you like what I'm growing over here Texas way... you ever down, remind me to take you through the garden-- I'll give you the slow, circular tour...
Slainte, Lady Felinae...
that monster... kinda like the eye as I imagined in Poe's "Tell-Tale Heart" that got the seer a stabbing...
:O :O :O!!!
Thanks for the visit, Poetic Shadow Lady...
Nice Siamese Jimmy.....and garden. Spud killed a rabbit other mornin' and ate 50% of it. There's a big one runs around the neighborhood. It must of been one of hers. keeps them out of the garden, eh??
Bet it does, Spotted Wolf!
The birds still get me for some tomato seeds-- fresh out of the reddening plants! ha! But-- so far, enough to go around...
Thanks, man!
Your green growing things are lookin' good Cygnus! Since we couldn't get our tiller fixed all we've got growing is 'maters and cucumbers, but any homegrown is better than none!
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