I have this vision.
I've chosen a path, and some ways not too distant along it I seem to be achieving a high amount of success.
But( you knew that was coming, non?)...
But it isn't the path I want to be on...
I'm wondering what that might say about where I want to be...
I suppose it could contain just as much success, but... the standard of mneasurement is somehow ... different. Not so .. mainstream.
So, I guess that makes the chioce easy...
Slainte, Folks.
Today is Metamour Day! Share it out.
6 days ago
Cygnus, my friend,
Maybe you need to follow the current path for the time being until you reach the fork where you can turn and venture down the path of your dreams.
No matter the path, I'm sure you'd reach success either way.
These few lines speak volumes.
I've been doing the whole soul searching thing myself...and I am just figuring out now ( in my forties) who the hell I am...and I like her. For the longest time I hated her but I was stuck with her and I made my decisions and choices under the influence of low self esteem. Now I am not so weak, I still falter but I get my shit back up again on my own rather than waiting for help.
I owe this epiphany to the death of my father. As I saw him wasting away I saw a million miles of regret in his eyes. Not for his choices but for the things he didn't get around to doing.
I didn't want to have that look in my eyes on my deathbed. But if I continued to wallow around in my self pity pool I was going to.
So who changes that?
Slainte Sir Cyg...
Get out your piece of chalk and start drawing that line.
Peace - Rene
I understand what you say, I think. When I left my home, God told me (don't ask me how)- go to Ireland! We came all the way, but circumstances made us stay here. Too many dreams were lost. This is not where we should be. So we must change direction once more... When God allows us to, and indicates us another way.
Go back to the crossroasd, my friend, and BE in your path. Don't waste time in your life thinking "What if..."
So a few days later, how's your thinking going in this regard?
Well, Ma'am...
I still seem wont to chase the "Successful" route...
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