03 July 2010

Ohio Bound...

Two Weeks Ago

This was the Friday sunset on the drive up.

Saturn's Day Nacht we were privy to this view of the Moon Mother out our front camp door:
She was near full, but the evenin' light kept me from good focus. The moon was hard to get a picture of, too...

Several days likely topped 100 F. One day it showered cool from the clouds, and nary a kid-- by age or Soul-- was stagnant indoors...

Magical land, magical time...

There aren't a lot of [personal]'during' pictures, as this was a time away.

I'll be back @ Wisteria come Equal Days And Nights . I'll bring more to share that trip... Until then the time will pass as a friend of a friend said did the first half of oh-ten: loving, lusting, gardening, and drumming.

Uh... not necessarily in that order, folks!!



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