Oh What A Tangled Web...And Oh thank Goddess for all Five!!!
Where did the spiral start: With Lady Reno? July last, when Flower was visited by the boob-fish? Winter Solstice last, whence I crept up Atlanta way?
I miss my new friend; we'll call her RJ.
I met her near a fortnight ago, 'round the Solstice Bonfire drum circle. Three nights later I began to know her.
I'm home now; home with my Flower. Home knowing next year Wisteria days will find my hands full of five-months-old care, joy and worry.
Home, happy knowing in the eyes of some youth [thanks, Nipple-Biter Lady!!!] and certainly in my biker-mamma's arms I'm still sound, still easy to hold.
Did I mention how much I'm missing RJ, and how nice it is to have enough of Flower's love to be able to say as much out loud? How I actually would near rather
miss RJ this moment, thus making future embrace fonder? That my love for Flower is stronger because I can cop honest?
How wonderful my ear on her womb is, my Flower's... did I mention that?!??
I love that I've moved past-- in person and relationships-- that 'love is finite' fallacy.
Slainte, folks.