Pagan Or Not, My Question Stands...Look folks, I've been in this neck of the woods for better than a solid month now. I visited way back 'round Samhain to boot. Consistently, Folk are meeting-- one night for this, another for that. All a social network of close fambly doing close fambly things-- some spiritual, but many more simple and personal/communal: eating, conversing, debating/teaching/learning. In short,
I notice two things in particular:
1) a bevy of next-generationers-- KIDS, to you dense ones.
2) the absense of you dense ones.
You dense ones. You males...
What the fuck??? I mean... I'm befuddled. I'm the only gods-damned male at these events!!! The majority of 'em have been evening gatherings. They haven't been 'spiritually demanding' events [Sabbats]-- assuming you're as Pagan as the Goddesses ye are connected to. They've been after your working hours. LONG after. They've been during hours when, if you're not @ home, WE, as Pagan [or otherwise] men, should be gathering of our own accord, trading weeks of responsibility with the Ladyfolk .
Part of what fucks me up about this is, if and when I ever show up @ your abode and you
are there, you're gonna be unconsciously jealous that your sons (for the most part, the circle I'm of hath, as a majority, male progeny) like me. Immensely. Likely I'll draw more attention than you.
We played. We talked. We cried. We ate. At one point we were penned in and wrestling.
Oh, sure-- I heeded the children as well...
Men, minimally we should be away because it's our night out-- because it's break-time and we need to throw darts, have a draft drawn, toke a smoke...
At the same time, wanna know why I make so much effort to crawl in the kids' pen and accept being rode hard and put away wet? Do ya huh huh do ya really?!?
SO DO THEY.The ladies need a break, dad. In fact, much more so than you and I ever will.
And I could use some male companionship in providing it.
Look, I'm hetero, sexual, and male.
Hmph!!At this point, I'm not sure where all the babies came from.
In vitro?!?
I'm just asking. No; nope. Correction:
I'm asking "where the fukkaya?" I'm saying...
WHAT???Slainte, folks. Love ya, girls!