My friend sent me a youtube link. My camera was set up on stabilizing tripod device.
Gotta love spontanaety...
Are You Afraid of Raw Head and Bloody Bones?
3 weeks ago
Magic, Poetry and my Journey with Those Who Are Yin...
Gotta Love Those Happy Legs!!
And Flogging Molly,too...
Now that there was some good feckin' craic
Peace - Rene
Ye evil Swan, and what's the song, and who's the singer, for them of us what don't know??
Mizz Rene? Help a gal out, wouldja? I'd sure like to hear it in its entirety...that little bit of a tease was sweet!
The happy legs were alright too, I guess...
Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who also woudln't mind knowing what means the word "craic" she's seen about?)
Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who forgot to change out of her other regalia, dang it)
Kyddryn- The song is "If I Ever Leave This World Alive" by Flogging Molly
And craic is just Irish for "big fun" or as we say in New England "a wicked good time"
Peace - Rene
Excellent song! Lots of fun! My son liked it too.
Gonna have to get that one to listen to while I drive so I can drive other drivers crazy wondering why my hands are slapping the steering wheel and my head is bobbing about.....
Mizz Rene, thanks - I looked up Flogging Molly on YouTbe last night and for a change had a REASON for not going to bed until 3. Wicked awesome!
Shade and Sweetwater,
K (who just got turned on to Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, too)
I'm gonna have to see that!
Hopefully from another vehicle! HAR!!
Yes Yes Sorry Sorry--
I was so caught up in spontaneous entertainment that courtesy of telling what were so enjoyable didn't cross this bird's brain...
Forgive the happy-legged Swan and thanks to all who made answers available and passed on other local links and all kinds of fun stuffs. I won't say any names, but just don't use the first letter in Irene's name and you'll still swear i never told you it was Lady Rocks...
Dang! I missed a costume change?
I gotta quit being late to rehearsals...
Glad for today's youth approval-- Speaks highly of his taste and obvious Renaissance upbringing... the best for future Knights! ha!
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