Hail and Greetings!
In all it's sundry spellings-- Magick, Magik, et cetera-- it is the most elusive and paradoxically the most blatantly obvious functioning element in Paganism. [Well, in christianity's prayer, too; difference being the latter place the responsibility to Will the request to be altogether on the outside Deity, thus lack achieving full potential by removing the Self as an important catalyst...]
Often hard for me to differentiate magic from every-day existence sometime: seeing the moon waxing or waning in the daytime (or night) sky and getting an immediate Real-Time mental image of the locations in space of the Sun, the Moon, and our Earth.
Seeing the Isle so clearly, being no where else except facing the Moon through the Stone Pillars. Feeling the Sand beneath my tucked legs. Hearing the insects. The wind in the palms. The background hum of the Ocean as She makes her surface tide to follow the Moon's lead...
Magic (of meditation, the only place the Isle above exists...).
Then there's Ritual-- you know, going through the Ritual of the Pentagram; your solo or Coven's (or Hearth's or Grove or...) Seasonal Ritual, either traditional or new-made.
And Symbolism. The way the Seasons and Energies and maybe Goddesses and such communicate their true multi-leveled meaning and nature to us. Through meditation, or revelation, or observation.
Energy in motion.
Health and Fairwell!
Today is Metamour Day! Share it out.
6 days ago