26 November 2010

The Best Of Goodbye's

Everybody Left Fat-Full!!!

We had a pleasant gathering yesterday-- me, Flower, her ma, my mom, a little bird. Oh, and the evil genius, too...

And a lot more good food! Um, NOT necessarily in that order!!! HA!!! Ah well...

The trip home began for my mom this ante-meridian. And with her went...

Rorschach. One of our outdoor, ah, ferals.

Oh, yeah. A mean one, this. Been seven-year-old-boy-toted about the yard since a kitten, and eateth more canned food than our indoor kitties! ha! NO KITTING! HA!

Which, pun aside, is one of the benefits of her finding a loving home-- needs not brave the elements nor soon-to-arrive advances of tom-toms...

I could say I'll miss her-- and might. But... We got SIX other outdoor kitties, seven counting the one big Tom we call Multiplier-- and FOUR indoor kitties. And...

I want a puppy. Which is another post altogether. In a year or three...

Or thereabouts...

Slainte, folks!!!



Unknown said...

nice bunch of images bro.......good times to come !!

Jenny said...

Amazing cat pics! The grey little fellow looks pretty bossy.